Alpha Optimization Capital Management LLC Launches Option Focused Investment Manager

October 1, 2019

FRANKFORT, Illinois — Alpha Optimization Capital Management LLC (AOCM) launched a niche investment manager that specializes in finding alpha-generating opportunities in volatility. 

AOCM’s mission is to create and manage investment strategies that earn consistent risk-adjusted returns and help diversify clients’ portfolios by generating uncorrelated alpha. AOCM firmly believes that “volatility as asset class” is a greatly underutilized tool for portfolio diversification. By dynamically assessing and understanding volatility, AOCM actively refines its processes to carefully structure option portfolios in order to achieve Alpha Optimization.

The dedicated options expert team focuses exclusively on option strategies, and has over 100 years of experience in options trading, risk consulting, and developing custom software. The team’s long term focus is underpinned with passion for the markets and the recognition that technology and mathematics are integral tools that help portfolio managers make better decisions.

Building strategies that utilize options not only exposes volatility as a tradeable instrument, but also provides a unique opportunity to undertake specific risks with asymmetric payoffs. When actively monitored and managed, options are extremely efficient tools that allow for nimble portfolio management and the ability to isolate exposure over precise time horizons. 

At the bedrock of strategy optimization is AOCM’s proprietary analytics and benchmarking system, which are designed, engineered, and built in-house. These adaptive systems help recognize patterns of volatility, probabilistically model optionality through multiple market environments, and prepare methodological position management techniques.

With all of it’s technology and trading expertise, AOCM is well positioned to consistently find opportunities in volatility and manage risk with expert judgement.

